Hearthstone Genetic Algorithm
For my BSc dissertation, I developed a Genetic Algorithm with the ability to generate valid and competent decks for the game Hearthstone.
The algorithm itself, along with it’s various GUI components, were developed in C#. In order to retrieve the results, I used an open source Java implementation of the game, developed by Github user demilich1. My final results showed promise, with some ‘runs’ of the algorithm gaining a decent number of wins over time. However, there would need to be further improvements to the algorithm and the approach, to see if more refined results could be reached.
- A simple GUI to make editing of algorithm inputs and parameters easy.
- A fully developed genetic algorithm, with multiple implementations of Crossover and Selection stages.
- Transfer of JSON card schema into a useable format for the genetic algorithm.
- Complete automation of entire process, including retrieval of required values from the simulation program.