Super Fly Sprayer - Custom AI & Physics

A set of pathfinding and physics implementations demonstrated inside of a small proof-of-concept game, made within Unity.

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For my undergraduate final year module ‘Game Behaviour’, we were tasked with implementing physics and AI components within a game setting. With this in mind, I created the game ‘Super Fly Sprayer’, a horde mode style game that was influenced by Super Smash Bros. The game features 2D Rigidbody physics along with AABB collision, and a robust A* pathfinding solution for the NPCs of the game.

We were tasked with implementing our systems to be independent of existing engine systems. As I was using Unity, this meant I had to create my own Rigidbody and Pathfinding classes. We did not however have to implement our own frame updating function.

  • Fully developed A* pathfinding system for NPCs, with editable nav graphs and debug path visiblity.
  • Custom Rigidbody components, capable of movement and acted upon by various forces.
  • Collisions handled by AABBs between static and non-static rigidbodies.